Fir Grove Farm

Farm offering farm-fresh free-range eggs and pullets for backyard flocks.
Fir Grove Farm


  • Patricia Bride
  • (360) 335-8873

Where to Buy

Nothing listed, contact the farm for more info
40308 SE Moffet Rd, Washougal, WA 98671


No products listed

Breeds + Varieties

No varieties listed

About the Farm


Fir Grove Farm is dedicated to providing affordable farm-fresh eggs to hard-working individuals and families. The farm has established itself as a reliable source of fresh eggs and healthy pullets for backyard flocks.


The farm raises free-range hens, ensuring they are healthy and happy. The focus is on hybrid breeds known for their winter laying ability, which helps maintain egg production throughout the colder months.

The Rest

The farm offers eggs at $3.00 a dozen and has several different breeds of pullets available at various times of the year, catering to those looking to start or expand their backyard flocks.