Golden Acre Farm

Diversified market farm and CSA specializing in high quality, sustainably raised vegetables, fruits, and beautiful cut flowers.
Golden Acre Farm


  • Jason Plotkin
  • (860) 716-9231

Quick Facts

    Total Size
    2.2 acres
    Land Cultivated
    2.2 acres

Where to Buy

CSA Farmer's Market Farmstand Wholesale
9400 W. Alameda Ave., Lakewood, CO 80226



Pumpkins Broccoli Arugula Beets Carrots Cucumber Daikon Garlic Green Beans Green Onions Kale Kohlrabi Leeks Lettuce Onions Peas Potatoes Radishes Salad Greens Spinach Swiss Chard Turnips Zucchini Cabbage Eggplant Hot Peppers Summer Squash Sweet Peppers Sweet Potatoes Tomatoes Cauliflower Winter Squash Celery Asian Greens Mustard Greens Okra Shallots Dry Beans Tomatillos Sunchokes


Asian Pears Cantaloupes Melons Pears Watermelons



Prepared Foods



Fresh Flowers Edible Flowers Dried Flowers


Fresh Herbs Medicinal Herbs





Breeds + Varieties

No varieties listed

About the Farm


Golden Acre Farm has grown from a small, 2-acre operation to encompass three sites in Golden and Lakewood. Known for its commitment to local, organic food, the farm has doubled its growing space since 2020 and continues to support the Denver Metro Area with fresh produce. The farm has a strong community presence, partnering with local organizations and donating significant amounts of food to local food pantries and cafes.


Using proven organic growing methods, Golden Acre Farm focuses on increasing access to local organic foods. The farm encourages visits, hires apprentices, and hosts a large CSA. Their philosophy is encapsulated in their motto: 'Keep it local, Keep it organic, Keep it personal.' The farm's practices are designed to move away from the industrial food model, promoting small-scale farming techniques and growing strategies.

The Rest

Golden Acre Farm's products are featured in various restaurants around the Denver Metro Area, and they participate in the Old South Pearl Street Market. The farm offers a CSA program that provides members with a share of the weekly harvest, including vegetables, fruits, and herbs. CSA members also gain access to products from other local farmers, such as meat and honey. The farm's commitment to community is evident in their partnerships and donations, including 700 pounds of food donated last year.


Farm Type

Educational Farm Urban Farm


Helps Underserved

Growing Practices

Integrated Pest Management

Community Involvement

Internships/Apprenticeships Visiting Allowed Workshops/Classes

Production Methods


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