Rancocas Creek Farm

Regenerative farm growing a variety of annual and perennial vegetables, fruits, flowers, herbs, and pastured pork without chemical inputs.
Rancocas Creek Farm


  • Jeff Tober
  • (609) 859-8860

Quick Facts

    Total Size
    72 acres
    Land Cultivated
    9 acres

Where to Buy

CSA Wholesale
Rancocas Creek Farm, Southampton, NJ 08088



Asian Pears Blackberries Melons Watermelons


Broccoli Rhubarb Arugula Beets Carrots Collards Cucumber Daikon Garlic Green Beans Green Onions Kale Kohlrabi Leeks Lettuce Onions Peas Potatoes Radishes Salad Greens Spinach Swiss Chard Turnips Zucchini Cabbage Eggplant Hot Peppers Summer Squash Sweet Peppers Sweet Potatoes Tomatoes Cauliflower Winter Squash Rutabagas Celery Asian Greens Mustard Greens Microgreens Okra Tomatillos Soybeans

Farm Products

Hay / Straw


Fresh Flowers Dried Flowers


Fresh Herbs





Breeds + Varieties


Arkansas Black


Cherokee Purple

Ground Cherry

Aunt Molly'S





About the Farm


Rancocas Creek Farm was established in 2020 on the grounds of a former soybean farm in Southampton, NJ. The farm is a venture started by the Pinelands Preservation Alliance (PPA) with the mission to transform a 72-acre conventional soybean farm into a diverse, chemical-free, regenerative farm. In its first year, the farm grew produce on 3.5 acres and sold to restaurants, markets, wholesalers, and donated to food pantries and soup kitchens. By 2021, the farm expanded to 9 acres, established a CSA for 150 families, and raised 7 pigs on pasture. In 2023, the CSA grew to over 300 families, 12 pigs were raised on pasture, and the first crop of Asian Pears was harvested from the orchard started in 2020.


The farm employs regenerative farming practices focused on biodiversity, building soil health, protecting the watershed, and providing habitat for birds and pollinators. They avoid the use of chemical or synthetic herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, or fertilizers. Soil health is enhanced through the use of plantings, mulches, composts, cover crops, and crop rotations. The farm also manages stormwater effectively to support these goals.

The Rest

Rancocas Creek Farm is partnered with the Pinelands Preservation Alliance, a non-profit organization protecting New Jersey’s Pinelands since 1989. The farm offers apprenticeship positions to train the next generation of farmers, providing hands-on experience in various farm tasks and educational opportunities through farm tours, workshops, and conferences. Apprentices are involved in PPA meetings and campaigns, and receive training in sustainable, regenerative agriculture principles, crop planning, and farm budgeting. The farm is part of the NJCRAFT network and collaborates with organizations like NOFANJ, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, and PASA.


Growing Practices

Chemical Free Composting Cover Cropping Crop Rotation

Farm Type

Educational Farm Nonprofit

Community Involvement

Farm Tours Internships/Apprenticeships Workshops/Classes

Livestock Practices

Grass Fed / Pastured

Production Methods

Organic Regenerative

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