Shoshin Ecological Farming and Gardening

Ecological gardening and farming services in the Los Angeles area with permaculture influences.
Shoshin Ecological Farming and Gardening


  • Eddie C

Where to Buy

Nothing listed, contact the farm for more info


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Breeds + Varieties

No varieties listed

About the Farm


For over twenty years, the business has been professionally helping people set up and maintain various types of gardens, from large projects spanning 10 acres of mixed vegetables and cover crops to small patio planters.


The business employs natural, organic farming and gardening methods, including automated drip watering systems, no-till bed preparation, green waste composting, laundry to landscape watering for fruit tree production, sheet mulching, native plants, edible gardens, worm bins, static composting, and compost teas.

The Rest

They offer a range of services such as drip irrigation installation, general cleanup, and maintenance, and are dedicated to helping clients actualize their horticultural visions.