Sunapee Farmers Market
- Deb Pasculano
About the Market
Located in Historic Sunapee Harbor, this market operates from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend, providing a community space for local vendors to offer their goods.
Vendors at the market adhere to a strict locality rule, ensuring that all products are grown, raised, baked, created, or prepared within a 75-mile radius of Sunapee, fostering a strong connection between producers and consumers.
The Rest
The market is open every Saturday, rain or shine, from 8:30 to 11:30 A.M. Visitors can find a variety of fresh produce, meats, cheeses, eggs, honey, maple syrup, baked goods, pantry items like jams and sauces, and handcrafted items such as pottery, jewelry, and wooden bowls. Free parking is available in the River Road Parking Lot, with market entrance via the bridge over the Sugar River.