The Capra Gia Cheese Company

Artisanal cheese company producing goat cheeses from a diverse herd in West Georgia.
The Capra Gia Cheese Company


  • Mark Stevens
  • (770) 712-8465

Where to Buy

CSA Farmer's Market Wholesale
3325 Shady Grove Rd, Carrollton, GA 30116



Goat Cheese Goat Milk Buttermilk Raw Milk

Breeds + Varieties


Alpine Anglo-Nubian Toggenburg Lamancha Oberhasli Saanen

About the Farm


Capra Gia Cheese Company has established itself as a producer of Georgia's freshest and finest artisanal goat cheeses. The farm is located in the picturesque region of West Georgia and is known for its commitment to quality and tradition. The cheese is crafted by hand from the milk of their own herd of dairy goats, which includes registered breeds such as Alpine, LaMancha, Nubian, Oberhasli, Saanen, and Toggenburg. Over the years, the company has built a reputation for the taste and consistency of its products, which are available at local farmer's markets, CSAs, restaurants, and shops.


The farm employs old-world, small-batch techniques to produce their cheese, ensuring that the clean flavor and health benefits of the goats' milk are preserved. The goats are raised without antibiotics or hormones, and the farm practices rotational grazing to maintain healthy pastures. Additionally, they use only locally grown hay to feed their herd. The farm is a USDA inspected Grade A cheese processing facility.

The Rest

Visitors and customers can enjoy the farm's products by contacting them directly or by finding their cheeses and milk at various local outlets. The farm's dedication to traditional methods and high-quality ingredients makes their products a favorite among cheese enthusiasts in the region.



Family Owned

Livestock Practices

Grass Fed / Pastured No Antibiotics No Hormones Rotational Grazing

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